SAS Selection Series
SAS SELECTION 08: 'Parachuting & Badging' With Phil Campion Former 22 SAS
SAS SELECTION 07: 'Interrogation / Escape & Evasion' With Phil Campion Former 22 SAS
SAS SELECTION 06: 'Weapons Training / Survival Skills' With Phil Campion Former 22 SAS
SAS SELECTION 05: Jungle Training 'The Trees PT3' With Phil Campion Former 22 SAS
SAS SELECTION 04: Jungle Training 'The Trees PT2' With Phil Campion Former 22 SAS
SAS SELECTION 03: Jungle Training 'The Trees PT1' With Phil Campion Former 22 SAS
SAS SELECTION 02: Aptitude 'The Hills' With Phil Campion Former 22 SAS
SAS SELECTION 01: 'Pre-Selection' With Phil Campion Former 22 SAS
SAS SELECTION PREVIEW With Phil Campion Former 22 SAS